We are pleased to offer a bespoke framing service that not only adds value but also protects your valuable memorabilia.
Why leave it lying in a drawer when it can have pride of place on the wall?
We can frame just about anything from signed shirts to boots to rattles! You name it we frame it! And better yet we can beat any high street quote!
Our Framing Packages...
Fully mounted with choice of surround width and colour
Choice of wooden frame to suit
Fully mounted with choice of surround width and colour
Premium surround bezel
Recessed lettering
Premium plaque
Choice of wooden frame to suit
Added small mounts eg. images, optional
(max 2), priced accordingly
Fully mounted with choice of surround width and colour
Deluxe surround bezel
Recessed lettering
Deluxe plaque
Choice of wooden frame to suit
Added small mounts eg. images, optional
(max 8), priced accordingly